Anosmia, aromapots, aromasticks and acupressure

Learn the causes of anosmia, the anatomy of olfaction and its related physiology. Peter presents a brief description of the pilot study methodology, rationale for the combination of interventions, and lessons learnt from the project. He will explore the implications of the project for aromatherapy practice and give us insight into future research work.
3 Key Points Discussed:
- Overview causes of anosmia, the anatomy of olfaction and its related physiology
- Brief description of the pilot study methodology, rationale for the combination of interventions and lessons learnt from the project.
- Exploration of the implications of the project for aromatherapy practice and future research work
Peter’s background has included working as a nurse in intensive care, neurology, and oncology, as well as being a University Lecturer/Reader. He completed a PhD project examining reflexology vs. relaxation training for people with multiple sclerosis with Manchester University. Peter has trained in medical acupuncture, clinical hypnotherapy, aromatherapy/massage, and reflexology. Peter’s recent and on-going funded studies as a clinical lead, include needle anxiety/phobia, cancer related fatigue, smoking cessation, peripheral neuropathy, and lung cancer related breathlessness. In addition, he has completed numerous pilot studies, including evaluating the provision of aromasticks, clinical supervision for therapists, HEARTS training, chair massage for carers, and more recently using aromatherapy and acupressure for anosmia. Since the pandemic started Peter has been working in COVID-19 screening and as a vaccination nurse, as well as volunteering as a therapist for a local hospice.
Recent Relevant Papers
Mackereth P Carter A Maycock P (submitted) Aromatic Calm Techniques (ACTs) for needle anxiety and phobia. International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapy
Mackereth P Maycock P Carter A (2022) Aromapots: a potent stand-alone intervention and a winning combination with an aromastick. In Essence IFPA 20(2): 9-12.
Mackereth P Maycock P Carter (2022) The anosmia, acupressure, aromastick and aromapots project. International Therapist Winter Edition 48-49.
Mackereth P Maycock P Carter A (2021) To sniff or to waft? The art and science of blending and proffering an aromastick. Aromatherapy Times IFA 130:38-41.
Mackereth P Carter A Maycock P (2020) Aromasticks and aromatic memories: a HEARTS Process approach to installation. Aromatherapy Times IFA 124:38-41
Carter A Mackereth P Maycock P (2019) Using three senses: aromatic memories. International Therapist. 129: 41-42