Approved Schools
Find aromatherapy education in your area! Our approved schools offer online and/or in-person education. Get to know our schools below!
CFA approved schools go through an approval process with the Board of Directors. Students are encouraged to contact the school directly for more information about programs and pricing. CFA does not monitor school pricing, etc.
British Columbia
Artiscent International Holistic Institute
Artiscent was established in 2004, and is the only CFA Certified Aromatherapy school that offers both English and Mandarin teaching which are taught by CFA certified instructors. We offer in-class training located in Vancouver, Canada. The program aims to balance the theoretical and practical aspects of Aromatherapy in order to create a demand for knowledgeable professional training. Learn more
Offers In-person training, includes aroma massage
Languages: English, Mandarin
Instructor: Vickie Chen
Essence of Thyme College of Holistic Studies (EOTCHS) offers online, internationally recognized aromatherapy certification programs and courses.
Co-principals Colleen Thompson and Dr. Kelly Ablard are dedicated to supporting every student in the EOTCHS aromatherapy program. Each student receives personal case study and research paper mentors, along with bi-weekly Office Hours for individualized attention and feedback. Learn more:
Offers: Online learning
Languages: English
Instructors: Dr. Kelly Ablard, Colleen Thompson
Madeleine Kerkhof – CO2 extracts
Ann Harman – Hydrosols
Marika Fleri – Cancer
Benoit Roger – distillation
Natalia Dichkovska – creating skin care products factoring in various emulsions and preservatives

Essentria ~ Aromatherapy School
We are an online school offering various courses recognized by NAHA and the CAHP ® course with the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists. Our Clinical Aromatherapy Certification course available in both English and Français is over 425 hours and covers over 70 essential oil profiles, history, chemistry, safety, chakras, carrier oils, hydrosols and so much more. Students also learn anatomy, physiology and pathology. Learn more
Nous sommes une école en ligne offrant divers cours reconnus par NAHA et le programme CAHP ® avec la Fédération canadienne des aromathérapeutes. Notre cours de Certification en aromathérapie clinique, disponible en English et en français, compte plus de 425 heures et couvre plus de 70 profils d'huiles essentelles, l'histoire, la chimie, la sécurité, les chakras, les huiles végétales, les hydrosols et bien plus encore. Les étudiants apprennent également l'anatomie, la physiologie et la pathologie.
Apprendre encore plus
Offers online learning
Languages: English, French
Instructors: Rachael Dean (CAHP ®), Nikki Fraser (CAHP ®)
Email / courriel:
Website / Site web:

Healing Fragrances School of Aromatherapy
Healing Fragrances School of Aromatherapy was founded in 2001, by Danielle Sade B.Sc. CAHP® , author of “The Aromatherapy Beauty Guide, Using the Science of Carrier & Essential Oils to Create Natural Personal Care Products. Having over 30 years of experience in teaching, practicing, researching plant-based medicine and Aromatherapy internationally, has led Danielle to develop unique approaches to understanding and imparting studies in Aromatherapy and the science behind essential oils that make them unique and useful in their therapeutic properties. Learn more
Offers in-person and online training, includes aroma massage
Languages: English
Instructor: Danielle Sade

Helianthus Holistic Arts
Helianthus Holistic Arts is a multidisciplinary holistic school offering certified aromatherapy courses. The Advanced Aromatherapy Certification Program provides comprehensive knowledge to become a confident practitioner. The curriculum includes up to date information of 60 essential oils profiles, essential oil chemistry, botany & taxonomy, applied aromatherapy, anatomy & physiology and more! Learn more
Offers In-person training, includes aroma massage
Languages: English
Instructor: Maria Fiordalisi
Website: https://www.

Joyessence Aromatherapy Center Inc.
Joyessence Aromatherapy Centre offers online aromatherapy certification from the comfort of your home. We provide personalized tutorials, a student resource centre, webinars, and a Facebook forum with over 800 students & graduates. Joyessence Aromatherapy Centre Inc. was founded in 1996 and is a respected International Training Centre with branches in Taiwan and Malaysia. Learn more
Offers Online learning, includes aroma massage
Languages: English, Mandarin
Instructors: Joy Watson RMT (Retired) CAHP RRPr, Julie Fischer RN COHN CAHP RRPr
Living Essentials
Living Essentials was founded by Ida Mae Woodburn in 1999 to offer CERTIFIED in class programmes in Aromatherapy and Reflexology as well as a CORRESPONDENCE course in Aromatherapy. All programmes are recognised and approved by the governing associations (CFA and RRCO). As a former educator and department head in the public school system Ida Mae applies her knowledge and expertise to present programmes that are interesting, interactive and informative with emphasis on the most current research. Learn more.
Offers In-person learning, includes aroma massage
Languages: English
Instructor: Ida Mae Woodburn, CAHP®
What is Beauty?! Aromatherapy School
What is Beauty?! Aromatherapy School is a professional aromatherapy school located in Toronto Ontario. The company was founded in 2012 and lately became an approved aromatherapy school. We offer aromatherapy courses including in-person and online learning courses recognized by NAHA and CFA. Our school founder Emma Huang is originally from Taiwan with over 20 years of cosmetics and chemistry science experience. She is a certified aromatherapist recognized by CFA/CAHP®, NAHA, IFA and IFPA. Our school has become a certified aromatherapy school approved by CFA and NAHA to teach in Mandarin for both traditional and simplified Chinese readers. Learn more
What is beauty?! Aromatherapy School是位於安大略省多倫多市的一所專業芳香療法學校。
Offers in-person and online training,
Languages: Mandarin
Instructor: Emma Huang, CAHP®
Email: school@
Website: www.whatisbeautyaromatherapy.
BelArôme Holistic Health Centre
BelArôme Holistic Health Centre is an international, multi-disciplinary centre where people come to receive services, training, and products in various aspects of natural and complementary health care. Professional Certification Courses are offered in Aromatherapy and Reflexology and are approved by the professional organizations in their field; all courses include an on-line component, using the latest in teaching technology, to permit the student to learn in the most relaxed, effective way possible. All classes are small and hands-on. Learn more
Offers In-person and online learning, includes aroma massage
Languages: English
Instructor: Dr. Sheryl Beller-Kenner
Shaktili Aromaterapia /AromAcademia
AromAcademia is an online school which offers a unique and specialized aromatherapy program in Spanish as well as courses that complement the work of the health professional. The Aromatherapy Diploma is over 650 hundred hours, theory and practice combined, to train professionals in the science of essential oil knowledge, recognized by the Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) as a level three school in Mexico City. Learn more.
La AromAcademia es una escuela en línea que ofrece un programa de estudio en aromaterapia en español, único y especializado, así como cursos que complementan el trabajo de un profesional de la salud. Aprende más
Offers In-person and online learning, includes aroma massage
Languages: English, Spanish
Instructor: Rebeca Ledersnaider O.
Instagram: @aromacademia